Quantcast Vegetarian StarKe$ha–Her “Crazy Beautiful Life” With Animals On MTV (Video)

Kesha is not only a popular singer, vegetarian and animal rights activist.

She’s also the star of a hot reality docu-TV show on MTV!

She recently shared what the upcoming season of the show will tell about her life, including the fact her mother held a party and invited others to come over and watch her birth.

Kesha also tells how much she loves animals, a passion that has been reflected in her tireless efforts to help them, from working with groups like the Humane Society to local shelters in her home state of Tennessee.

“I’m obsessed with animals,” Kesha says in the video.

Viewers can expect to see her dive with sharks and visiting bears, among other activities.

Kesha: My Crazy Beautiful Life can be seen tonight and every Wednesday at 10:30 PM ET/PT on MTV.

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