Quantcast Vegetarian StarKaty Perry Hears “Roar” From PETA On Animals In Video

Katy Perry Hears “Roar” From PETA On Animals In Video

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 16th, 2013 in Animal Issues, Female Singers, Videos.

Katy Perry‘s single “Roar” has a video to accompany it that makes animal rights activists cry wild.

The singer is featured dressed in a Tarzan-like costume in the midst of several animals, including monkeys and elephants.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has questioned the company it suspects Perry sourced the animals from.

Serengeti Ranch has been investigated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture 22 times since 2001.

A representative from PETA told the Daily Star:

“Animals used for entertainment endure horrific cruelty and suffer from extreme confinement and violent training methods. They often become stressed and anxious when hauled around and forced into unfamiliar or frightening situations.”

Roar is a single from Perry’s 4th studio album Prism and was released earlier this month.

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