Quantcast Vegetarian StarMayim Bialik Asks Jews To Go Vegan

Mayim Bialik Asks Jews To Go Vegan

Written by Vegetarian Star on August 28th, 2013 in Actresses, Animal Issues, Food & Drink.

Mayim Bialik

Mayim Bialik is well accustomed to modifying traditional Jewish recipes to fit the criteria for being vegan.

Her upcoming cookbook, The Plant-Based Family Kitchen, will be especially devoted to creating animal-free versions of things like egg-free latkes and vegan tofu matzah brei.

Many followers of religion feel treating animals kindly is a duty, much like caring for the sick and poor and being a good neighbor. Bialik feels no differently and is using the approaching Jewish holiday Rosh Hashanah to ask Jews to consider removing animal products from their diets.

“There is a strong emphasis in Judaism on humane maintenance and use of animals,” Bialik said. “We respect other creatures and, of course, Adam and Eve were vegetarian before the Fall and exile from Eden. Tikkun Olam lends itself to us using our body and lifestyle to do our part to repair the world. For more, veganism is very consistent with that.”

Bialik shared these and other viewpoints about veganism with both the Jewish Vegetarian Society and the Vegan Society.

Jews who adopt a completely plant-based diet would certainly be in talented company. In addition to Bialik, famous Jews who follow the diet include actress Alicia Silverstone and singer Matisyahu, two celebrities who are very outspoken about the lifestyle.

Photo: Tabercil/Creative Commons

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