Quantcast Vegetarian StarJane Velez-Mitchell “HLN” Segment On King Farm Bill Amendment (Video)

Jane Velez-Mitchell took a moment to discuss a very important issue in the animal welfare community on her HLN show.

An amendment to the Farm Bill, also known by the name of the Iowa representative who introduced it, the King amendment, could potentially undo several advancements made in protecting the welfare of animals on farms.

Essentially, it could override laws individual states have created to protect animals from abuse.

The Protect Interstate Commerce Act, or PICA, has been described by King himself:

“PICA will ensure that radical organizations like the Humane Society of the United States and PETA are prohibited from establishing a set of restrictive state laws aimed at slowly suffocating production agriculture out of existence.”

Velez-Mitchell questions the purpose of this amendment, as well as the notion that all animal lovers are “radical.”

Nathan Runkle from Mercy for Animals joins her for the discussion as well, and the two share some ideas for fighting this amendment.

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