Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlicia Silverstone “Got Breast Milk?” Vegan Breast Milk Sharing Spoof (Video)

Alicia Silverstone announced her ideas for a vegan breast milk sharing program not long ago, and as expected, there are already a few satirical pieces being created based on the news.

Next Media Association has posted an anime clip featuring what could possibly take place behind the scenes at such an empire.

The demand would be high as women rush to the female suppliers with supple breasts, eager to get their hands on the product.

Like cows get hooked up in factory farms, women can also be attached to machines, allowing the milk to be pumped from not one, but two breasts from several women at a time to increase production.

There may be free breasts milk for all on some days, as a giant helicopter is shown spraying the product from the sky.

Like any advancement in science, there’s always the chance of negative, unintended consequences.

In this case, vegan breast milk from the right women might product super strong zombie babies.

Which shouldn’t be the case, as it’s suppose to be GMO free.

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