Quantcast Vegetarian StarTia Mowry Dons Veggie Apron For PETA (Video)

Tia Mowry Dons Veggie Apron For PETA (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 11th, 2013 in Actresses, Food & Drink, Videos.

Tia Mowry PETA

Tia Mowry announced her switch to a vegan diet not long ago and has been very vocal about it ever since.

She’s written a guest blog post for Alicia Silverstone‘s website, The Kind Life, and she’s given several interviews on how she’s been able to incorporate changes in her own kitchen.

The next most obvious step is to pose in a pro-veggie ad for PETA.

“I became a vegan and I was getting bullied on Twitter about it,” Mowry says in a PETA interview. “I wanted to become a voice for my community. … I wanted to educate my culture about the benefits of becoming vegan.”

“There’s a stigma about being vegan,” she added. “Some people say it doesn’t taste great. Don’t knock it until you try it! It’s so incredibly good! Going vegan, I feel great!”

Watch the clip below for more of the interview and to see more of the shoot for the “Let Veganism Grow on You” ad for PETA.

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