Quantcast Vegetarian StarGinnifer Good Tweets Against Tennessee Ag Gag Bill

Ginnifer Goodwin

Ginnifer Goodwin took a moment to send her fans a Tweet, urging them to not support an ag gag bill in Tennessee.

The bill, like others many states have attempted to pass, wants to make criminal the taping of activities on farms during undercover investigations.

“URGENT: Tell Gov. @BillHaslam to veto #TNaggag bill that is dangerous for animals,” tweeted Goodwin about the bill that awaits the Tennessee governor.

Goodwin is a native of the state and has been an animal advocate with the Humane Society of the United States and Farm Sanctuary.

She was also a vegan for a period of time.

The actress include a link the petition urging Governor Bill Haslam to not approve the bill.

Photo: Gage Skidmore/Creative Commons

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