Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Beg: A Radical New Way of Regarding Animals” By Rory Freedman

Beg Rory Freedman

Everyone’s favorite Skinny Bitch has penned a new book on another side to the vegan lifestyle in addition to eating.

Beg: A Radical New Way of Regarding Animals by Rory Freedman is filled with advice on how everyone, from meat eater to raw vegan, can improve the lives of millions of cats and dogs in the world.

In chapter 1, titled “All My Children,” Freedman introduces the reader to the love she has for her pets using the same sass found in the diet books she has co-authored over the years.

“Like every other psychotic dog mom, I could write an entire book about my pack. I adopted the first two, Timber and Joey, with my then boyfriend Reggie (Reggie isn’t his real name. In order to protect his privacy, I’m using the name of his first dog.)

Other chapters in Beg hint to the issues affecting pets, their owners and animal advocates using pop culture and sarcastic references to everyday life.

“Don’t Get Mad, Get Adopting” is a mantra good enough to calm every neurotic animal lover down long enough to focus and concentrate and is followed up with similar chapters like “The Sex Trade” and “Worst in Show” that promote adoption over breeders, mills and other practices that reduce unwanted pets.

Freedman is not partial to dogs. “Cats are People Too” and they get a few minutes of fame in Chapter 6.

“Blinded by Science,” “That’s Entertainment” and “What are You Wearing” is meant to expand the reader’s consciousness even more by considering the ethics of animals used in experiments, the entertainment industry and fashion.

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