Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Runner’s World” Features Farm Sanctuary President Gene Baur (Video)

Gene Baur Farm Sanctuary Runner's World

Gene Baur is not only an animal advocate, vegetarian, and co-founder and president of Farm Sanctuary.

He’s also an avid runner.

The popular magazine for enthusiasts Runner’s World, has featured a Q & A with Baur, in addition to a clip of him completely in his element–standing in sweats among several farmed animals.

His recommended diet for hitting the pavement is of course plant-based.

“I make green smoothies in a high-powered blender. I put in kale, bananas, spinach, blueberries, flaxseed, and sometimes chia seed as well. I use nondairy milk, like soy or almond or hemp or coconut milk and blend that up. So that’s really one of the main things that I eat when I want to get high-powered nutrition. The greens are, in my view, really the superfood. I try to eat a lot of greens. For protein, I’ll eat beans. I’ll eat tempeh and tofu, nuts and seeds. Sometimes for a treat, I’ll get soy ice cream and put almond butter on it. Which has a lot of calories and is pretty tasty. Whole grains. I want to be eating more grains like amaranth and quinoa, which have protein and apparently are very healthy. I haven’t gone in that direction as much as I’d like to. I eat some processed foods like Wheat Thins with tahini sauce. But I’m moving in the direction of eating more whole foods, less processed.”

Watch the clip below and read the entire interview at Runner’s World.

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