Quantcast Vegetarian StarLily Allen Plans Pig Slaughter For Charity

Lily Allen

Lily Allen thinks giving is a great thing.

Even if it means taking a life to do so.

The British pop singer has agreed to name a pig after one of her Twitter followers before sending him to the meat market.

Allen has joined forces with Comic Relief to join the Twitter Million campaign that earns money toward charity.

Allen Tweeted:

“The highest bidder on my #twittermillion page will get a pig named after them and bacon from it when it’s killed. or the choice to spare it. (sic)”

She then changed her message to invite vegetarians to do their part:

“Or if you’re a vegetarian you can choose to spare the pig . #twittermillion JOIN MY TEAM !!!! (sic)”

Finally, she needed to clarify that it’s not about money, but randomness that determines if piggy is sent to the market.

“Ok , can I change my mind and make it ‘pick at random’ instead of ‘highest bidder’ or will I get done for false advertising @emmafreud help! (sic)”

More vegetarians would “Smile”  if Allen chose to instead adopt a pig at an animal sanctuary, naming it after one of her loyal Twitter fans.

Photo: The Style Scout/Creative Commons


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