Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Biggest Loser” Vegetarian Sunny Gets Lesson On Carbs (Video)

The Biggest Loser is helping some teenage contestants get fit this season.

Pediatrician Dr. Joanna Dolgoff paid a visit to several of the competitors in the weight reduction challenge to discuss healthy eating and ways to improve their diet.

Sunny is a longtime vegetarian who learned that even though she’s already following a healthy diet, even vegetarians can be guilty of the wrong kind of indulgences. In Sunny’s case, Dr. Dolgoff warns of the dangers of being a “carbotarian.”

There are “good” carbs and “bad” carbs, so it never hurts to learn the difference, even if you’re not watching weight. As a vegetarian, you should welcome the good carbs founds in grains, pastas and vegetables while making sugary, high-fat and salty snacks like candy bars and chips an occasional treat after meeting the exercise challenge that’s equivalent to being chased up the hill by a screaming Jillian.

Watch the video to learn more about Sunny.

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