Quantcast Vegetarian StarKaley Cuoco “Big Bang Theory” On Breakfast Includes Almond Milk

Kaley Cuoco

Kaley Cuoco has made a great discovery in her kitchen laboratory that’s worth a Nobel Prize.

The actress from the nerdy sitcom Big Bang Theory enjoys non-dairy milk in her morning cereal.

‘I start the day with oatmeal with vanilla almond milk,” Cuoco said. “If I don’t, I’m dying by noon and eating everything in sight.”

Cuoco’s Big Bang Breakfast Theory may not be as difficult to understand as quantum physics, but it’s just as helpful when applying such skills in the “real world.”

Almond milk is a great way to start the day as an alternative to cow’s milk in cereal, oats, coffee or by itself.

Containing just as much calcium as dairy milk (and sometimes slightly more), brands like So Delicious or Silk offer almond milk in several varieties and flavors, from sweetened and unsweetened to vanilla to chocolate and even added extra nutritional boosts like magnesium, Vitamin D and more protein.

Test the almond milk theory today in your next meal that calls for dairy.

Photo: Savil 95 (Kari Haley)/Creative Commons

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