Quantcast Vegetarian StarMayim Bialik On “Big Bang Theory” Pie Eating Contest (Video)

The Big Bang Theory recently featured a few of the characters in a pie-eating contest, including Mayim Bialik‘s Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler.

Bialik took to her blog to discuss the episode and scene, in a post titled, “Top 10 Behind the Scene Moments from Last Night’s Pie Eating Scene.”

The best part of the scene? The pie was vegan and kosher.

The worst? Bialik has horrible blueberry allergies!

“I’m a highly allergic person and blueberry pie in one’s eyes and nasal passages is bad for allergic people. Besides sneezing blueberry for many hours, my eyes were runny and irritated for days. Said Johnny Galecki to me: “Um… didn’t you know to CLOSE YOUR EYES?!””

Bialik concludes that while she loves her day job, she’s not too found of being put on pie-eating contests as part of her duties. Even if the pie is vegan and delicious!

Watch the entire clip above.

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