Quantcast Vegetarian StarRosie O’Donnell Discusses Vegetarian Heart Fix With ET (Video)

Rosie O’Donnell spoke with Entertainment Tonight about her recent heart health scare and how she hopes switching to a vegetarian diet will help erase some of the damage she’s done to her health over the years.

“I’d like to say I had a heart attack — because women especially like to say heart event. I’m like ‘No, it’s a real heart attack,'” she emphasized. “But I’m feeling better, I’m following the doctor’s orders, and it’s totally made me change the way that I was living.”

A study found that 13% of physicians recommend a low-fat vegetarian diet for their heart patients, although it’s recommended all do. O’Donnell has chosen to follow this advice, regardless of any RX.

“I haven’t had any meat or chicken, and pretty much no dairy. [I’m] vegetarian, although I do occasionally eat fish … but lots of fruits and lots of vegetables, no sugar which is very hard, although I do occasionally have a bite of something. I think my body’s totally in shock.”

O’Donnell’s heart scare occurred last August, and the comedian has taken a very active role in changing her eating habits since, even sharing recent meals prepared via Twitter.

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