Quantcast Vegetarian StarRussell Simmons Writes To Lady Gaga On Her Fur Habits

Lady Gaga

Russell Simmons has written a letter to Lady Gaga in response to an ad promoting Robert Rodriguez’ Machete Kills film in which she is draped in a wolf carcass.

In the letter, Simmons not only addresses the issue of Gaga wearing fur, but the feud between her and PETA, emphasizing that while he supports the group, his criticism is a that of “gentler” kind than the animal rights organization.

“While I will not judge each individual’s unconscious action, I will speak to the collective. The ripping off of skin of other sentient beings while they are still alive – during a time when we have options available to us to wear cruelty-free alternatives – is an issue I have to lend my voice to. Wearing these skins is abusive to animals, but equally as abusive to ourselves, as we are the animal that we abuse. As a vegan, I believe the greatest karmic disaster in the history of humankind is the 40 billion animals made to be born into suffering each year. Fur-bearing animals suffer the same fate for vanity and greed.”

“I am PETA’s Person of The Year and I support them, but this isn’t about PETA or their tactics. Don’t allow your feelings about them to govern how you feel about animals. Those feelings should come as a result of your heart meditation.”

Simmons then invites Gaga to watch a video on the fur industry.

Read Simmons’ entire letter at Global Grind.

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