Quantcast Vegetarian StarHelene Leeds Of “Masterchef” Discusses Raw Foods Experience

Helene Leeds Masterchef

Coming from an area in Maryland that is big on crabmeat, Helene Leeds said her mother threatened to disown her when she switched to a vegan diet.

The Masterchef finalist isn’t used to making crabmeat and that’s probably why she performed poorly during the challenge on Gordon Ramsay‘s Fox television series.

It’s too bad she couldn’t show off her cooking skills with the vegan dish that got her into the top 36 finalists.

“It was a raw vegan recipe,” Leeds told This Dish Is Veg. “A medicinal mushroom aphrodisiac soup using Chaga and Reishi mushrooms, and a raw kale salad with mulberries and cocoa nibs.”

As the show progressed, it became clear that the judging became tougher for a chef who works bests with plants.

“It was really hard and extremely difficult because the judges expected the star of the meal to be the protein and there wasn’t a Vitamix available so it limited my ability to make things like sauces. I felt like I didn’t have the tools that I needed. I really wanted to wow the judges but didn’t take the chance.”

Leeds favorite foods don’t include crabmeat, but do include Reishi Mushrooms and raw chocolate, a product she’s currently in the business of. Sh’s the founder of Cloud 9 Raw Chocolate, a maker of raw vegan chocolates, an idea she developed after being inspired by the chocolate making processes of Switzerland.

Read more at This Dish Is Veg.

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2 Responses to “Helene Leeds Of “Masterchef” Discusses Raw Foods Experience”

  1. gridlockmanifesto Says:

    I have to say, the raw vegan chocolate idea sounds perfect for our culture right now. Everything is about “organic” and even my local grocery store is half organic now. I don’t like seafood and would have trouble with a dish like that if I were in the competition, too.

  2. Scott Walker Says:

    Well being in a competition is never easy specially if your competitor has the skills. But despite of the close and tough competition Helene did an excellent work like coming up an idea of making an organic or raw food’s out of Chaga and Reishi mushrooms that gives a lot of health benefits to our body.And I can say that she definitely had the outstanding performance.