Quantcast Vegetarian StarMayim Bialik Raises Vegetarian Kids With Help Of Grandparents

Mayim Bialik

Mayim Bialik took some time with Veg Writing Mama to discuss some things they both have in common–raising veggie kids!

Mayim feeds two boys at home on a vegan diet, and she says it wasn’t hard at all to explain why they were getting hummus and pita instead of beef jerky for snacks.

“I just tell them that this is the way we eat. It’s what our pediatrician, and Mommy and Daddy believe grows the best bodies and brains for the two of them. I do not want them making comparisons to others and don’t want them to go around saying that we are healthier than others.”

It’s always helpful to have the support of the extended family when it comes to kids’ diets and Mayim and her husband are fortunate that grandma and grandpa stand 100% behind their choice.

“My parents became vegetarian a few years ago. They wanted an easier environment for their grandkids, to be able to eat whatever they had at their house and stuff like that.”

Read the entire interview at Veg Writing Mama.

Photo: Tabercil/Creative Commons

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