Quantcast Vegetarian StarVenus Williams Talks Vegan On “CBS This Morning” (Video)

Venus Williams spoke with CBS This Morning on her tennis career and the autoimmune disease that briefly affected it before she made some changes in her diet, Sjogren’s syndrome.

Admitting she may occasionally slip up, Venus says she tries to adhere to a vegan diet as much as possible.

“I’m not perfect, so I forgive myself when I make mistakes and I do a lot of juicing as well, a lot of wheat grass shots…lots of fresh juices and things like that.”

Emphasizing that Sjogren’s affects her entire body, Venus said some of the symptoms include, “Dry eyes and dry mouth, but fatigue can be so heavy that sitting in a chair is a huge effort. So, as a professional athlete, if you have fatigue, then that’s tough. You can also have joint pain…issues with your internal systems.”

“I’ve made huge improvements since I was first diagnosed, so that has been huge for me, and it’s a journey that I continue on, but definitely changing my diet has made a big difference.”

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