Quantcast Vegetarian StarRachel Oberlin Tweets For Chipotle Pork-Free Pinto Beans

Bree Olson

Rachel Oberlin, better known as her adult start name Bree Olson, is asking Chipotle to make their pinto beans vegetarian.

Some may believe ordering a vegetarian burrito from the restaurant will result in a meat-free meal. But only the company’s black beans are vegetarian, as the pinto beans are cooked with bacon.

“You don’t need to be a vegetarian to want your pinto beans to be piggy free. Please, @ChipotleTweets, save money & lives, let it be vegan,” the Tweet read.

Many customers may be surprised at this fact, since it’s not always apparent on Chipotle’s menu that pinto beans are not vegetarian. The company has done a good job of explaining the right choice on it’s website.

Under both vegetarian and vegan options, the site reads, “You should avoid our pinto beans (they are cooked with a small amount of bacon).”

But it’s also a good bet most customers aren’t accessing the site before heading for the drive-through.

Like many animal-based ingredients that can make a seemingly vegetarian dish non-vegetarian (animal-based rennet, gelatin, chicken broth, etc.), the presence of lard or bacon seasoning in pinto beans is not that uncommon. It’s always best to investigate both before you go out and when you arrive at the restaurant.

And Twitter @ChipotleTweets to let them know you like your pinto without the pork.

Photo: flipchip / LasVegasVegas.com/Creative Commons

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2 Responses to “Rachel Oberlin Tweets For Chipotle Pork-Free Pinto Beans”

  1. Bob Says:


    she eats meat all the time

  2. Lisa Says:

    Bob get with current news. She has been out of porn almost 2 years and is with one guy that she is madly in love with.