Quantcast Vegetarian StarPamela Anderson Urges FDA No Tobacco Animal Tests


As if smoking weren’t a bad enough habit. It stinks, it’s linked to disease, it’s (gasp) not even vegan. And who would have thought–it involves animal testing!

Pamela Anderson is backing a move urged by PETA to not consider tests on animals that seek to determine the effects of tobacco products labeled “reduced risk.”

The vegetarian actress sent a Tweet to her fans earlier this month.

Pamela Anderson Tabacco Animal Tests

Every health conscious vegetarian knows the best way to “reduce risk” is by quitting tabacco products and avoiding secondhand and thirdhand exposure. However, not every veggie may know what goes on when a rat is forced to smoke a Joe Camel.

From PETA:

“In some of the horrendous tobacco tests that could be conducted, rats would be forced to breathe tobacco smoke for as long as six hours a day for months at a time by jamming the animals into tiny canisters and pumping concentrated cigarette smoke directly into their noses. The animals would then be killed and their bodies dissected.”

These experiments don’t always yield results that are applicable to humans and a variety of non-animal tests exist, such as using human cells and computer simulation.

Such tests are already banned in countries such as Germany, Belgium, the UK and Canada.

To tell the FDA you don’t agree with such tests and to learn more, visit PETA’s action form.

Photo: Darren Stone/Creative Commons

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