Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlicia Silverstone On Juice Beauty With Pop Sugar (Video)

Alicia Silverstone spoke with PopSugar on her new line of vegan, organic, natural cosmetics, Juice Beauty.

“You can get very overwhelmed with all the choices out there. You have these guidelines. You’re like “Okay, I don’t want to have anything unhealthy. And I don’t want this to hurt the planet. And I don’t want it to hurt animals. And I want it to be amazing.”

That’s not too much to ask for and apparently, Juice Beauty has fulfilled Silverstone’s desires, with cosmetics formulated without animal testing and harsh chemicals, packaged in eco-friendly recycled materials.

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One Response to “Alicia Silverstone On Juice Beauty With Pop Sugar (Video)”

  1. Joan Says:

    I have been a Juice Beauty fan for a long time and I am vegan Just like Alicia so when I heard about the Alicia Silverstone for Juice Beauty collection, it sounded like a match made in heaven! I am so excited about this collection! I can’t wait to try the products!!