Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Seal Wars” On Animal Planet This June (Video)

“Seal Wars” On Animal Planet This June (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on May 23rd, 2012 in Animal Issues, Film & TV, Videos.

Sea Shephard may be best known for its work on ending whaling, but on June 8, Animal Planet with air a documentary that highlights the group’s work with another marine mammal.

“This is a different kind of mission, [with] Sea Shepard, being primarily land-based,” says Paul Watson of Sea Shepard in the trailer for the film Seal Wars, which focuses on the seal slaughter in Nambia.

Some of the biggest difficulties in filming Seal Wars were Nambia’s National Security laws, which limits what footage of the slaughter can be legally filmed. Sounding similar to the U.S.’s “ag-gag” laws that aim to prevent filming on animal farms, these regulations also exist in Canada, another country with a well-known seal pelt industry.

“There’s more repressive laws being brought in under the excuse that they’re combating terrorism,” Watson said. “It makes it difficult to investigate.”

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