Quantcast Vegetarian StarShaquille O’Neal Raises Lemur Awareness (Video)

Shaquille O'Neal

Shaquille O’Neal has completed his doctorate degree in Education and is wasting no time utilizing his skills to inform the public on the endangered animals and habitats of Madagascar.

Shaq posed with a lemur at Zoo Miami, where he was accompanied by Mireya Mayor, an author and National Geographic explorer involved with lemur conservation.

“Having an ambassador like Shaq speaking for the lemurs is a great way of raising awareness about their plight,” Mayor told Mongabay. “Centre ValBio is extremely grateful that Shaq is lending his star power to bring attention to the endangered animals and forests of Madagascar”.

Threats to the five-inch, 2-ounce creatures’ environment include deforestation for mining and subsistence agriculture, and illegal rosewood logging.

“All these little fellows and all of the animals of Madagascar need some love,” Shaq said in the PSA for Centre ValBio, an organization helping to protect the endangered natural areas and wildlife of Madagascar.

For more information on conservation in the rainforests of Madagascar, visit Centre Val Bio.

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One Response to “Shaquille O’Neal Raises Lemur Awareness (Video)”

  1. Shaquille O’Neal Shows Some Love For Lemurs | Ecorazzi Says:

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