Quantcast Vegetarian StarJessica Chastain–Vegan Food Helped Me Stop Dieting

Jessica Chastain

Watching what you eat is the equivalent to being forced to watch old videos of your parents “jive talk” dancing to the Bee Gees music of the 70s.

Yeah…not pleasant.

Award-winning actress Jessica Chastain has found a way to avoid such a pain by simply removing all animal products from her plate. Since going vegan, she claims she doesn’t have to watch her weight as much as the lifestyle naturally keeps her fit.

“I’m not the girl who goes to spinning class,” Chastain told New York Times. “I do yoga once in a while. I used to think about dieting, but I’m vegan now, so it’s not really a problem.”

As we’ve mentioned before, meat eaters who switch to a plant-based diet gain less weight over the years than their carnivorous counterparts and vegan diets can aid weight loss  by a pound  a week without counting calories or watching portion sizes.

It probably also helps that Chastain’s mother is a vegan chef who can give her lots of advice about how to add the right amount of nutritional yeast to the dish or what the heck mirin does for your tofu.

Photo: Tony Shek/Creative Commons

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