Quantcast Vegetarian StarAdele Loses Weight With Vegetarian Diet


Almost a year ago, Adele announced to the media she had embraced a vegetarian diet. She wasn’t too big on tofu though.

It’s a good bet she’s big on the fact that adhering to a plant-based diet can result in healthy and sustained weight loss though. Both the Set Fire to the Rain singer and her boyfriend have lost weight by eating everything but tofu.

According to The Mirror, a source said, “The weight is dropping off the pair of them and they plan to keep dieting until the end of April.”

Veggie Adele fans hope that even after the calorie counting stops, the pair will continue to indulge in delicious non-animal flesh goodies and not return to fish and chips.

Don’t believe the celebrity hype that a vegetarian diet can help you lose two dress sizes like Adele did? There have been several studies that may convince you to continue to renew the veggie meal plan if you’ve recently subscribed.

Vegetarians and vegans have been shown, on average, to weigh less than meat eaters. Meat eaters who switched to a plant-based diet gained less weight over a period of years. And a low-fat vegan diet has been shown to cause weight loss of about 1 pound a week without adding exercise, counting calories and watching portion sizes.

Photo: Christopher  Macsurak/Creative Commons

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One Response to “Adele Loses Weight With Vegetarian Diet”

  1. Bianca Schmader Says:

    adele rocks. you should see Mike Peralta’s cover of set fire to the rain also. Its so good.