Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Top Chef” Dale Talde Answers Age Old Question–Ramen Or Soba

Dale Talde

Who cares if the chicken or the egg came first? Forget boxers or briefs, just go Au naturel. The important question to ask yourself everyday is whether it’ll be ramen or soba noodles.

Top Chef competitor Dale Talde, who runs his own Asian food restaurant, gave his answer to the Village Voice, as well as a sneak preview of a new vegetarian dish coming to the menu of the eatery named after himself.

“I love both. To me ramen and soba are too different. Ramen is always, for me, good when it’s cold outside. I like soba when it’s ice cold, it’s blazing hot outside (funny because we’re putting a fresh soba dish on the menu at Talde in about a week — it’s going to be one of our vegetarian options: kimchi, ramps, smoked tofu, house-made black sesame sauce).”

Located in the Park Slope, New York area, Talde restaurant already has a ramen dish waiting for its soba component–the Market Ramen featuring smoked tofu, scallion and white soy.

Talde himself is a big meat chef, but his girlfriend is the one who persuaded him to add vegetarian dishes to his menus before. Maybe someone has been sleeping on the couch again as punishment and is looking for forgiveness?

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