Quantcast Vegetarian StarChristian Serratos Dices Up Alternatives To Classroom Dissection (Video)


Twilight series actress Christian Serratos has recorded a PSA advocating alternatives to animal dissection in the classroom.

“Each year, more than 10 million animals are used for classroom dissection, including frogs, cats and fetal pigs,” Serratos says in the video below.

“These animals haven’t donated their bodies to science and they have the same ability to experience pain and fear as your companion animals at home.”

Several computer alternatives to dissection exist and there are numerous other ways to learn science without the use of animals, such as conducting library research and writing papers.

In the United States, several states have laws that protect students who wish to exercise their right to refuse to dissect, including California, Florida, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Virginia.

Even where there is no law in place, there are always opportunities to change, such as petitioning at the level of government or in the classroom. Students who oppose dissection may not only gain knowledge from exploring these alternatives, but also good negotiating skills as they discuss with their teachers opportunities available.

Photo: Toglenn/Creative Commons

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