Quantcast Vegetarian StarLea Michele Starts “Glee” Season With Spaghetti And No Meatballs

Lea Michele

Food fights may not have been common in your school cafeteria.

Definitely not in the choir room.

On the premiere of Glee, Lea Michele‘s character Rachael Berry gets blasted with a heap of spaghetti.

According to Rumor Fix, extras on the set were given spaghetti and meatballs and salad to throw at the cast, but Michele insisted firmly she only be hit with noodles, proving once again that real meat isn’t necessary for that Hollywood special effect.

“I’m mostly vegan and I’ve never eaten red meat, so a brand that is beautiful without harming animals is my idea of fashion-forward,” Michele said.

Michele has shared her love for vegan goodies with the Glee cast, which sang praises for some vegan cupcakes she brought on the set.

“I had vegan cupcakes on my birthday,” Michele said at PETA’s 30th Anniversary Gala. “Once you eat a vegan cupcake–I once put out vegan cupcakes for the whole crew and didn’t tell them that they were vegan. And they were like, those are the best cupcakes I ever had. And then the next day I was like ‘They were vegan. See, you can eat vegan food.”

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