Quantcast Vegetarian StarEllen DeGeneres “Good Housekeeping” Issue Highlights Her Compassion

Ellen DeGeneres Good Housekeeping

Ellen DeGeneres is showing her beautiful vegan face on the October 2011 issue of Good Housekeeping magazine.

Inside, the talk show host discusses her love of animals, including the animal charities she’s worked with.

She’s donated her time and money to animal welfare organizations like Humane Society and sanctuaries like The Gentle Barn, but would you call her an activist?

Maybe a “compassionist” would better define her.

I’m not an activist; I don’t look for controversy. I’m not a political person, but I’m a person with compassion. I care passionately about equal rights. I care about human rights. I care about animal rights. Above all, I strive to be the best I can — to be better than I was yesterday and better tomorrow.

Ellen discusses how important the pets–several cats and dogs– in her life are.

We can stop and appreciate these things, or we can sit and worry about what’s going to happen to us two weeks from now. I’d rather focus on the amazing things that are happening right in front of us. Animals help us do that. I do wish I knew the stories of who they were before I got them. But to rescue animals or to just have animals in your life, they give you so much more than you give them.

More at Good Housekeeping.

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