Quantcast Vegetarian StarSara Gilbert Featuring Vegan Cooking On “The Talk” (Video)

Sara Gilbert

Tuesday’s episode of The Talk will feature vegan family cooking tips and ideas.

Host and actress Sara Gilbert was a vegetarian for two decades and then became a vegan. Before The Talk premiered, Gilbert had said food and nutrition were so important to her,  she definitely wanted to give the issues some time on the show.

“I’m vegan so I’m about as green as you get,” said Gilbert. “I think the diet in this country is kind of broken so I like talking about that.”

Vegetarian Mayim Bialik will be a guest on the show.

Veganism has been a theme for several episodes this year. Veganist author Kathy Freston appeared to discuss her book, give tips on making a vegan transition and showcase a few favorite meals. Gilbert celebrated her birthday on the show with vegan cupcakes.

Photo: PR Photos

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