Quantcast Vegetarian StarSheryl Crow Sings For Wild Horses

Sheryl Crow Sings For Wild Horses

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 8th, 2011 in Animal Issues, Female Musicians, Female Singers.

Sheryl Crow

Sheryl Crow is donating a portion of sales from an upcoming concert to the Cloud Foundation, a horse protection organization that is suing the U.S. government for rounding up wild horses and burros in the West.

The Bureau of Land Management would like to roundup 1,700 mustangs on the Nevada-Utah line.

Crow’s show with Kid Rock at Cheyenne Frontier Days in Wyoming on July 22 will benefit the group.

In a documentary film, Saving the American Wild Horse, Crow said, “I think it will be a real shame when we look back and we don’t have these incredible species, and I guess my best hope would be that people, individuals, step up at this point and really protect these animals.”

Crow has rescued a horse in the past and says wild horses are a vital part of America’s culture.

“There’s legislation going on right now about exterminating these great wild mustangs… (They’re) truly one of the great representatives of our native culture here in America. Wild mustangs are really true to the heritage of this country; they help us to remember who we were.. (and) the government is trying to have them run off cliffs and things.”

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Sheryl Crow Sings For Wild Horses”

  1. Sheryl Crow Rodeo Concert Donation to Wild Horses Draws Criticism | ecorazzi.com :: the latest in green gossip Says:

    […] contributed time and money to the cause of keeping them on public lands.” Crow herself has said “There’s legislation going on right now about exterminating these great wild mustangs… […]