Quantcast Vegetarian StarVegetarian Noah Wyle Returns To Screen In “Falling Skies”

Noah Wyle

Long before Lisa Edelstein and Omar Epps became stars on House, there was Noah Wyle, America’s favorite television doctor who happens to be a longtime vegetarian, environmental activist and human rights supporter.

Wyle’s back on a new TNT drama called Falling Skies, where he stars as a history professor turned alien fighter forced to not only defend himself from those of the other world, but free his son from capture as well.

Wyle has spent much of his real life fighting not aliens, but injustices to humans and animals. According to The Holywood Reporter, Wyle has worked with the Human Rights Watch Council, Doctors of the World, the 2004 Cover the Uninsured campaign and the World Wildlife Fund.

Below is a video of Wyle for WWF, where he discusses how climate change is a threat to polar bears’ habitat.

Photo: PR Photos

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