Quantcast Vegetarian StarMorrissey Comments On Lady Gaga Meat Dress

Lady Gaga

Morrissey was recently interviewed by the Daily Telegraph when the subject of Lady Gaga and her infamous meat dress came up.

Given the fact Morrissey is a highly opionated and a longterm vegetarian, it was expected he’d have a few criticisms for the Born This Way singer.

But instead of automatically issuing a few choice words about the singer’s decision to wear dead animal flesh, Morrissey took the opportunity to attempt to understand her motives behind wearing it.

“Well, the meat dress was first done by [artist] Linder Sterling in Manchester in 1982, and she did it as a protest at men seeing female flesh as meat. I don’t know whether that came across with Lady Gaga. I think people didn’t question it too deeply – they simply saw it as ‘today’s loony idea.’ But I like to assume that Gaga had the same notion. If it’s a social and political statement, it’s acceptable. If it isn’t a social and political statement, I don’t really see the point.”

The dress worn by Gaga to the MTV Video Music Awards has been snagged by the Cleveland Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and will be on display there.

Photo: PR Photos

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