Quantcast Vegetarian StarLady Gaga Meat Dress Preserved In Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga‘s infamous meat dress she wore to the MTV Video Music Awards will unfortunately remain a part of music history forever.

The Cleveland Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has obtained the dress and will be displaying it among other musician paraphanelia in an exhibit titled, “Women Who Rock: Vision, Passion, Power.”

There were rumors that Gaga smelled pretty bad that night, and since it’s almost been a year since the dress was made, you might be wondering if Hall of Fame museum goers are getting free noseplugs when they enter the exhibit.

The details of that are unknown, but it’s no surprise the dress is still sticking around longer than Gaga’s 15 minutes of fame. Considering all the preservatives found in meat today–which have been shown to cause diseases like diabetes, cancer, dementia and heart disease–we’ve got a feeling this outfit might be vying for the world record in food that doesn’t decompose, just like the McDonald’s hamburgers sourced from it.

Photo: PR Photos

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