Quantcast Vegetarian StarMichael Vartan PETA Ad Goes To The Dogs (Video)

Michael Vartan PETA Ad Goes To The Dogs (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 10th, 2011 in Actors, Animal Issues, Videos.

Michael Vartan

The doctor is in and has some advice for giving dogs the best care in the world.

Michael Vartan, who plays Dr. Tom Wakefield in the TNT drama series HawthoRNe, is starring in another role as animal advocate in a new PSA for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

“Any families looking for a dog–go for a rescue,” Vartan advises. “There are millions of dogs that are turned in every year. ”

Vartan’s own dog Millie is seen cuddling with him in shots on the film.

“It’s really easy to make a huge difference in your dog’s life,” he said. “I just try and involve [Millie] as much as I can in my everyday activities.”

Vartan also gives his thoughts on slaughterhouses and has advice for people who want to make a change in the lives of animals.

“Don’t be afraid of the ugly stuff. Cause that’s the stuff we’re trying to fix.”

Photo: PR Photos

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