Quantcast Vegetarian StarSpencer Pumpelly Races Vegan And Supports Farm Sanctuary

Spencer Pumpelly

Race car driver Spencer Pumpelly has been a vegetarian for almost a decade and a vegan for about a year of that time. After seeing Farm Sanctuary’s co-founder Gene Baur in the film Forks Over Knives, Pumpelly decided to get in touch with the haven for abused and neglected farm animals to show his support.

Spencer Pumpelly

“I am very passionate about both animals and health, and I want to do more to promote both,” Pumpelly said. “I am honored to support Farm Sanctuary and the people who are devoted to defending others.”

If Pumpelly continues to excel in racing, he plans to donate a portion of his earnings from certain races to the sanctuary. Pumpelly joins NASCAR driver Leilani Munter in the group of outspoken, vegetarian race car drivers.

“I knew vegan was the right thing to do, but I always figured it would be too hard with all the traveling I do,” said Pumpelly. “I decided to give it a try last summer when several things, including my favorite local pizza joint starting to carry Daiya non-dairy cheese, seemed to point me in that direction. After a few weeks of adjusting, I now find it quite easy no matter where I go.”

“We are excited to have Spencer Pumpelly’s support,” said Farm Sanctuary’s co-founder Gene Baur. “We hope his dedication to protecting farm animals and compassionate living will inspire other race car drivers and racing enthusiasts to pay us a visit the next time they are in Watkins Glen.”

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One Response to “Spencer Pumpelly Races Vegan And Supports Farm Sanctuary”

  1. herwin Says:

    congrats Spencer ! hope you win every race to come !