Quantcast Vegetarian StarLaura Bell Bundy PETA Ad Says Dogs Don’t Belong In Hot Cars (Video)

Laura Bell Bundy PETA

Country music star Laura Bell Bundy has teamed up with PETA to remind pet owners never to leave a dog or other animal in a car on a hot day.

Even if temperatures are tolerable outside, the inside of a car can become unbearable as PETA said in a press release.

“On a relatively mild summer day, the temperature inside a shaded car can climb to more than 100 degrees in a matter of minutes,” writes the animal rights group. “Dogs can quickly succumb to dehydration and heatstroke and suffer brain damage or even death as a result.”

“[P]eople need to know about it,” Bundy said. “They leave their dog alone in the car unintentionally thinking it’s OK if they go inside the grocery store for five minutes, but … it’s a hot car, and you wouldn’t want to be left alone in there, either.”

The temperature inside a car can easily reach over 100 degrees even when the car is parked in the shade or the windows are cracked or rolled doll. Brain damage and heat stroke can occur in animals within 15 minutes.

Even if you’re a fantastic pet owner and never leave your pet in the car, don’t just be a passive bystander. Call a local humane organization or emergency officials like the police if you spot an animal in a car on a hot day.

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