Quantcast Vegetarian StarJamie Oliver Announces Plans To Remove Flavored Milk From Schools On Jimmy Kimmel (Video)

Jamie Oliver appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live with the superintendent from the Los Angeles Unified School District, John Deasy. The two made the announcement that starting next fall, flavored milks like chocolate and strawberry will no longer be served at schools because of their sugar content.

“There’s more sugar per ounce in flavored milk than there is in a can of soda,” Oliver said. “If you think about a little 4-year old to an 18-year old [drinking this] sometimes twice a day–just flavored milk–in their time at school and then you’re worried about diabetes?”

There is a slight catch to the deal though. If the school system can find flavored milks without added sugar, it may reintroduce them back into the cafeterias. And unfortunately, there is still not enough talk about adding a non-dairy beverage to school menus like rice, almond or soy.

Oliver and Deasy can be viewed below.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Jamie Oliver Announces Plans To Remove Flavored Milk From Schools On Jimmy Kimmel (Video)”

  1. WATCH: Jamie Oliver Wants Flavored Milk Removed From Schools | ecorazzi.com :: the latest in green gossip Says:

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