Quantcast Vegetarian StarBarbara Gowdy “The White Bone” Author Vegan Challenge For Earth Week (Video)

Barbara Gowdy is no stranger to speaking out for animals. A vegetarian for 30 years and a vegan for 10, Gowdy wrote the award-winning The White Bone novel based on the perspective of an African elephant.

Now, Gowdy is encouraging her readers to follow her lead and take a vegan challenge during Earth Week 2011, which takes place from April 17-23.

“As someone who makes here living as a writer and living in her imagination, I’d like to challenge everybody who lives in his or her imagination to take the Vegan Challenge and become a vegan for just a week,” Gowdy said.

Considering the energy required to produce meat vs. plant-based proteins, the pollution caused by factory farms and the growing threat of antibiotic resistant bacteria, which some have linked to the use of antibiotics on farm animals, Earth Week–a time to reflect on environmentalism–is the perfect time to begin incorporating a vegan diet or even a Meatless Monday in your lifestyle.

Gowdy would also like people to consider the conditions animals on factory farms endure.

“During that week, try and think about what it would be like to be raised as meat, what it would be like never to feel the sun on your head, the wind in your hair, to be caged, have no comprehension whatsoever of why this is happening to you, to not be able to have any social life with your fellow species, to live a life of relentless pain.”

Gowdy’s PSA for the vegan challenge sponsored by rabble.ca can be viewed below.

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