Quantcast Vegetarian StarWayne Pacelle Announces Humane Society Dropping Go Daddy Domains

Since GoDaddy.com’s CEO Bob Parsons has been seen on tape shooting and killing an elephant, many animal lovers have started transferring their domain names to other hosts.

It’s no surprise the Humane Society of the United States, one of the most active animal welfare organizations in the world, is doing the same.

“HSUS has about 650 domain names with Godaddy.com,” writes Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of the Humane Society. “I’ve instructed our staff to find another host for them. We don’t like doing business with a company with a leader like Parsons. I hope you’ll think about following suit. No one needs to kill elephants either to show his manhood or to do humanitarian work.”

Pacelle uses the blog post to compare Parsons’ reasoning for killing the elephant–that the animal endangered the food supply and livlihood of locals–to a case he discusses in his soon to be released book, The Bond, where a hunter shot an endangered elephant during a safari. The hunter too tried to justify the killing by saying the animal was a threat.

“It turns out that wildlife authorities in Mozambique had a different take on the matter, and they wanted Ken Behring to leave their country without delay.”

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Wayne Pacelle Announces Humane Society Dropping Go Daddy Domains”

  1. billy bubba Says:

    Wayne Pacelle is a !@#$ing retard.