Quantcast Vegetarian StarPETA Wants San Francisco Tenderloin District Renamed Tempeh

PETA Wants San Francisco Tenderloin District Renamed Tempeh

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 1st, 2011 in Food & Drink.

Revitalizing a run-down part of San Francisco known for high crime and poverty takes a lot from city officials. PETA is suggesting that a basic name change from a violent, murderous act to a healthier vegan protein alternative may be the trick.

The group has written to interim mayor Ed Lee, asking him to rename the city’s Tenderloin district to Tempeh.

It’s Wiki page describes Tenderloin as a mecca for things like robbery, aggravated assault, homelessness, drugs, prostitution, liquor stores and strip clubs. No, currently a vegan restaurant is not on the list of major attractions.

Tracy Reiman, executive vice president of PETA wrote:

I am writing on behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and our more than 2 million members and supporters, including thousands in the Bay Area, with an idea that could help revitalize the struggling Tenderloin district: rename it the “Tempeh District.” By discarding an outdated moniker that evokes the horrors of the meat trade, you’ll be sending a strong message to progressive businesses and health-conscious residents that this neighborhood is ready for a fresh start.

Tempeh, a protein-packed food made from soybeans, is a healthy, cruelty-free meat substitute. In contrast, tenderloin comes from real suffering. In today’s intensive meat production industry, piglets have their tails and testicles cut off without being given any painkillers and breeding sows are confined for life to metal crates so small they can’t even turn around or take two steps. Cattle are burned with hot irons, their horns are cut or burned off, and males are castrated—all without painkillers.

It’s true that the Tenderloin echoes vice and corruption and that slaughterhouses are constantly found to be in violation of the law and more. But now’s the perfect time to put the city’s past in the deep freeze. San Francisco is now renowned for some of the best vegan cuisine in the world, and the city deserves a neighborhood named after a delicious cruelty-free food instead of the flesh of an abused animal. If Tempeh doesn’t excite you, how about Granola Flats or Seitan’s Lair? You could even run a contest to choose a veggie moniker.

Tempeh actually sounds more hip and congruent to the green values San Francisco is pushing overall, which includes more gardens, banning declawing of kitties and the sale of pets. Granola Flats doesn’t sound bad either. But considering the evils the neighborhood faces now, we don’t think Tenderloin needs anything else Seitanic at this time.

Note: Yes, it’s April 1st. But this one’s for real.

Photo: Robin/Creative Commons

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