Quantcast Vegetarian StarBronx Zoo Cobra Tweets For Vegan NYC Restaurant

Bronx Zoo Cobra Tweets For Vegan NYC Restaurant

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 29th, 2011 in Animal Issues, Celebrity Tweets, Humor.

Faux Twitter accounts are as enjoyable as faux meat.

Follow the fake British Petroleum (BP) public relations account and you’ll agree.

An Egyptian Cobra has escaped from its enclosure at the Bronx Zoo, but wherever he may be located, there’s definitely a Wi Fi signal. @BronxZooCobra has been Tweeting away and recently asked for recommendations for a vegan restaurant.

“Anyone know of a good vegan restaurant near Union Square?” he asked.

The New York Post spoke with Animal Planet reptile expert Jeff Corwin who says it could take up to 2 weeks to find the cobra. But the little guy could also be in danger due to the cold weather. Being ectothermic, snakes can’t regulate their body temperatures internally like mammals, and are dependent on the temperature in the air and on the ground.

“These snakes are perfectly designed to hide in the hardest-to-find places. The Bronx would eat this cobra alive,” Corwin said, referring the NYC’s weather.

Sure hope the animal is returned safely.

Last we heard, he was seeking refuge in someone who left their apartment window open.

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