Quantcast Vegetarian StarJamie Oliver Makes It Easier To Get Tomato Instead Of Prostitute (Video)

Despite being “kicked out of school,” Jamie Oliver has successfully completed filming season 2 of his Food Revolution show. After the Los Angeles Unified School District refused to let him into any of their cafeterias, Oliver, being the feather ruffling genius that he is, continued his mission of revamping diets of some of the poorest families in the city with his mobile food truck and other antics.

Will it work? It probably won’t be easy.

As one woman in the preview mentions, “It is easier to get a gun, crack, or a prostitute in a lot of areas in Los Angeles before you can get a tomato.”

Some of LA’s kids may definitely need a lesson in where their food comes from, as one teenager remarked that honey came from a bear.

Yikes! Hope Goldilocks isn’t that prostitute that’s so easy to obtain instead of ripe avocados.

The clip also shows Oliver trying to convince a restaurant manager to take greasy fries off the menu and pouring sugar into a school bus to demonstrate how much of the “other white stuff” children drink from flavored milk served at school.

Food Revolution 2 debuts April 2.

Photo: PR Photos

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