Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Jonathan Safran Foer On The Helping Hypocritical Vegetarian

Jonathan Safran Foer

“It’s not, ‘If I can’t be a perfect environmentalist, I’m not going to do anything. Being hypocritical is better than not doing anything. Unfortunately, it’s framed ‘You’re this or you’re that.’ ‘The light switch is on or it’s off.’ You make a choice three times a day. If you’re using one meal to excuse 1,000 meals, that is just crazy.”

Jonathan Safran Foer, to an audience during a stop on his Eating Animals tour on how strict vegetarianism isn’t required to make a difference. Foer thinks that in 10 years, there’s a good chance 50% of the meals people eat will be vegetarian. That is, unless the vegan police gives too many citations to those trying to meet us halfway and do a good thing. It’s time for vegetarians to extend a welcome to the flexitarians, fish-eating vegetarians and the people who won’t turn down fried chicken at the yearly family reunion. No, it’s not the perfect stance, but if it means a world with 50% less greenhouse gases, health issues linked to food and animals consumed by humans, then the hypocrite might help more than he hurts.

Photo: David Shankbone/Creative Commons

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