Quantcast Vegetarian StarZac Brown Band Singer Creates Camp Southern Ground For Children (Video)

Zac Brown Band

The Zac Brown Band‘s lead singer Zac Brown may have ruffled PETA feathers when he said chicken was the new tofu, but he’s proving he’s not completely turned off by vegetarian food.

He wanted Parade magazine to know the spicy, ginger marinade he was planning to market was vegan.

And now, we learn a camp for children with neurological disorders such as Tourette’s, ADHD and Asperger’s Disorder may have a vegan-friendly menu.

Camp Southern Ground is a newborn project in the works that Zac created and will exist on 360 acres of farmlands in Georgia.

Growing up, Zac loved camps and since he has family and friends who’ve been affected by such disorders, a camp for these children was the perfect way to extend a hand to humanity.

One item that may show up on Camp Southern Ground’s menu is a Total Omega Pomegranate Blueberry Vegan Swirl Topping.

Looking on Internet forums and blogs, you find some parents claim some of their children’s neurological symptoms of disorders like Tourette’s improved after placing them on diets that restrict certain animal products, like dairy.

Researchers followed several children in Norway who were placed on dairy-free diets and found their parents and teachers reported improvements in their behaviors after making the switch. The study was looking for evidence based on a theory by Norwegian researcher Karl Ludvig Reichelt, who believes a metabolic disorder causes an inability to break down certain proteins, and this leads to hyperactivity and attention difficulties.

In 2011, $1 from every ticket sold to Zac Brown Band shows will go to Camp Southern Ground.

Photo: PR Photos

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