Quantcast Vegetarian StarCurtis Aikens Mastered Reading, Writing And Vegetarian Cooking

Curtis Aikens

It’s hard to believe one of the original Food Network Chefs and cookbook authors who’s appeared on top shows like Oprah and Good Morning America didn’t learn to read until he was 26 years old.

Curtis Aikens has mastered reading, cookbook authoring, motivational speaking and making the rounds as a celebrity chef. Now’s he’s bent on becoming an expert in one more area: vegetarian cooking.

Although he still eats meat today, Aikens was a vegetarian for several years and many of his dishes have plant-based roots that he puts southern touches on.

“I’ve been experimenting for a while with vegetarian cooking,” Aiken, who’s scheduled to speak at the 20th annual Love and Literacy Luncheon in West Palm Beach, Florida said. “Just trying to give it my down-home flavor.”

Bringing more produce into the kitchen is not the only way Aikens celebrates sustainable eating.

On an Alabama Public Television Show, Cooking Fresh With Curtis Aikens, Aikens sourced the ingredients to his recipes from local Alabama farms, including Snow’s Bend Farms, an organic farm 10 miles west of Tuscaloosa that grows specialty, heirloom, gourmet and ethnic vegetables and markets its products in both Tuscaloosa and Birmingham through Community Supported Agriculture (CSA).

Aikens shared with Palm Beach Pulse several vegetarian recipes, including one for Grilled Tofu and Mushroom Sauce, featuring soy sauce and orange juice for the marinade and tofu covered in a shiitake mushroom sauce.

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