Quantcast Vegetarian StarJon Fitch Says Milk Won’t Do The Body Good (Video)

Jon Fitch may be the first celebrity do sport a soy, almond or rice milk mustache in a campaign for non-dairy milk.

In this video from Yahoo, Fitch discusses why he doesn’t think several glasses of dairy milk  a day can do the body much good.

Some medical experts have concluded that milk isn’t beneficial and even harmful to humans based on several research studies. There’s the casein (milk protein) tied to cancer argument. And no one feels that some of the hormones given to cows such as rBGH were ever meant to improve human health. There’s also the issue as to whether cow’s milk actually provides a good source of calcium, an idea that’s been pushed for years.

Dr. Joseph Keon published an entire book on this matter, Whitewash: The Disturbing Truth About Cow’s Milk and Your Health. There is a sample chapter available through VegSource, titled “Udderly Ridiculous,” which illustrates that although cow’s milk is richer in calcium than plant sources like Mustard Green, Turnip Greens and Kale, the actual percentage of calcium humans absorb is far less than that absorbed through vegetable sources.


Read more of the udder truth at VegSource.

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