Quantcast Vegetarian StarAnthony Bourdain–Friend To Persistent Irritating Vegans?

Anthony Bourdain "Medium Raw"

Anthony Bourdain may never be president of the Vegan of the Month Club, but in recent years, the chef and author who said vegans are a “persistent irritant to any chef worth a damn,” has stood up for some of the very same animal cruelty and sustainable food principles vegetarians have.

Treehugger highlighted this during a review of Bourdain’s book, Medium Rare, where he says he and PETA are alike in that he doesn’t want animals to suffer and that people should be eating less meat.

In this way, me and the PETA folks and the vegetarians have something in common, an area of overlapping interests. They don’t want us to eat any meat. I’m beginning to think, in light of recent accounts, that we should, on balance, eat a little less meat.

When it comes to the unlabelled ingredients in food, Bourdain jokes that consuming some items, like the hot dog, is like playing Russian Roulette.  More from Treehugger.

With the hot dog there was always a feeling of implied consent. We always knew; or assumed we knew—that whatever was inside that snappy tube, it might contain anything from 100 percent kosher beef to dead zoo animals or parts of missing Gambino family. With a hot dog, especially New York’s famous “dirty-water hot dog”, there was a tacit agreement that you were on your own.

Where else has Bourdain demonstrated he shares beliefs about eating that are better for humans, animals and the environment?

Well, he thinks every meat eater should give up factory farmed meat.

Fast food companies like McDonald’s are also a persistent irritant in his book.

Oh, and he’s absolutely against fur AND cosmetic testing on animals.

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