Quantcast Vegetarian StarJakes Shields Diet–The Breakfast, Lunch And Dinner Of A Vegetarian Champion

Jake Shields

In April, Jake Shields will have the ultimate opportunity to advance his career at UFC 129 when he faces current UFC welterweight champion Georges St. Pierre.

If there’s anytime to watch the diet, it’s now, but Shields isn’t planning on doing things much differently than the way he’s been living all his life.

“I cook my own food. Sometimes my brother cooks my food,” Shields, who enjoys late night snacks of crackers and hummus, said. “I’ve thought about hiring a chef before a fight. I’m thinking about getting a vegan chef and trying it out.”

Here’s an example of what someone who’s never lost a UFC fight eats daily.

Breakfast: Three to four scrambled eggs with vegetables, followed by a workout.
Post-workout: A sandwich with avocados and a vegetarian patty. Later, followed by a protein shake.
Dinner: Burrito with beans, avocados and rice.
Night-time snack: Yogurt and cottage cheese.
Before bed: Another snack with dried fruit, nuts or cereal.

There’s no “Liquid Satan” in his cooler either, as Skinny Bitch author Rory Freedman described soda. Shields favorite cold one is coconut water.

Read what Shields eats the rest of the week at Yahoo Sports.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Jakes Shields Diet–The Breakfast, Lunch And Dinner Of A Vegetarian Champion”

  1. Chiari Says:

    That is a lot of cholesterol. One egg =one day’s total cholesterol limit. He would be much healthier if he was vegan but i appreciate him being vegetarian.