Quantcast Vegetarian StarUrban Outfitters Sold Real Fur As Fake–How To Determine Real Fur From Fake (Video)

Urban Outfitters

It was recently discovered that Urban Outfitters was selling real fur under a faux label.

An unfortunate event, as this store could have been trusted by many animal lovers due to its popularity. It’s even on the Humane Society’s Fur-Free Retailers list.  However, Urban Outfitters has acknowledged the mistake, citing the product vendor’s factory as the source of the labelling issue and insists it remains committed to keeping its pledge not to sell fur items.

Ethical fashion blogger Joshua Katcher, who also blogs at TheDiscerningBruite.com, purchased the item from Urban Outfitters, the “S Loves C by Spring & Clifton Faux Fur Cardigan,” and put the garment through several test that can determine if something is real or fake fur.

If you already own the garment, pulling a thread of hair from it and burning it is one good way to tell the difference. Real animal hair smells like burnt human hair, but synthetics will smell like melting plastic.

Real animal hair also tapers to a fine point at the end, while most synthetics do not.

Genuine fur will still be attached to the skin or leather, while synthetics are usually threaded into the fabric.

Photo: Minnaert/Creative Commons

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